Quick PSA: known issues and keywords hint

Heya all! Just a quick announcement. I have made a mistake by uploading the wrong version of the game. Due to the rules of the jam, I cannot provide any fix until the voting period is over, but if you wish to access a piece of missing content, you can do so by following these instructions (again, this is optional, but will greatly improve the flow of the story):

- Missing scene at a bar fix:

  1. Open the "script.rpy" file. Use any text editor program (you can even use notepad).
  2. Find (Ctrl + F) "call scenechase from _call_scenechase". Under that line, add "call scenebar from _call_scenebar", so it should look like this

  3. Save the file and run the game.


Additionally, if you're stuck on that part of the game that asks you for some keywords, try these: "beer, cigs, counter".

I hope you enjoy the game. Cheers ^^

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